Willow Creek Community Church Services Provided:
- Automation & Ziplift
- Stage & Studio Rigging
Spanning 155 acres and supporting numerous services, workshops, classes, and nearly 100 ministries serving a variety of needs for different age and groups, Willow Creek Church of South Barrington, Illinois is the fourth-largest church in the United States, whose needs continue to grow each year.
As the rigging vendor-of-choice for Willow Creek, Chicago Flyhouse was pleased to be of service with the design, fabrication, and installation of motorized stage extensions for a gymnasium/auditorium space at Willow’s Barrington campus. With much of the existing stage area utilized as offices, Willow needed a way to quickly create a performance area that could then stow easily to clear the gymnasium for sports.
At the time of the project’s inception, the stage extensions were manually operated, requiring five people to shift each one. Now controlled by a handheld joystick, the stage extensions can be quickly and easily manipulated by a single individual, increasing staff safety and the space’s versatility, while reducing labor costs.
Willow’s customized stage extension is comprised of three 30′ x 15′ segments, each of which can be extended or retracted to distinct lengths, configuring the platforms in a variety of ways. Fully extended, the three segments form a 30′ x 45′ playing area that is completely sturdy and stable.
Flyhouse’s cutting-edge customized stage extensions can be used to increase the functionality of any multi-use or performance space, ranging from churches and schools to theaters and flexible spaces..
For more information about Willow Creek Church, visit their website.