Tucked away in the suburbs of Chicago, Saint Viator High School is a Catholic secondary school with approximately 1,000 students. The building, originally established in 1961, remained virtually untouched over the years until the 1990s when a series of building upgrades took place.
In recent years, another round of upgrades took place. As part of the upgrade, Saint Viator High School wanted to improve the acoustics of both their choir and band room. While the rooms were functional and provided the needed resources for the choir and band, the sound quality needed a slight adjustment.
In order to accomplish this, Flyhouse installed three manual acoustical drapes on the walls of the rooms. Also as part of the acoustic assistance, a manual bi-part, 25oz thick Charisma Rose Brand acoustical curtain was installed. The curtains hang roughly 10’ above the finished floor and had to be adjusted during installation due to an already installed HVAC system in the room.
While Flyhouse wasn’t around for the first rehearsal after the installation, we are certain the sound quality was impressive.