Every summer, Busch Gardens in Tampa Bay, Florida creates an entertainment atmosphere for everyone needing an escape from the minutiae of life. One aspect is their Kinetix show which incorporates modern music, pyrotechnics, stunts, and performer flying. For the last few years, the Kinetix show has had an assist from Flyhouse to make their performers fly through the air with […]
Flyhouse Projects
Chi-Town Rising 2016: Making the Star
For years, New York City was home to the only New Year’s Eve event worth mentioning. To ring in 2016, Chi-Town Rising was born and Chicago Flyhouse was honored to be a part of the festivities. Chicago Flyhouse fabricated a custom hoist system to lift the countdown star up the side of the Hyatt Regency in downtown […]
Flying Through the Air
Ever wonder what it would be like to fly through the air? Aly, from “You, and Me This Morning,” stopped by Chicago Flyhouse a few years ago to test our performer flying hoist system (Ziplift).