Flyhouse’s Cherry Hills Community Church project was featured in the ETCP Fall 2016 Newsletter. The project involved creating a variable speed motorized curtain system. Read through the project recap or take a look at the full newsletter.
[Q+A] Ed Leahy Featured by Mountain Productions
The team at Mountain Productions wrote a feature on Chicago Flyhouse’s Head Trainer and Cruise Ship Division Manager, Ed Leahy. He will be the new rigging trainer at Mountain Production’s 32nd CM Hoist School event. Ed has been an integral part of Flyhouse’s rigging inspection program Safer Venue. Each month, Ed coordinates or is part of three to four different rigging inspections at different venues […]
Theatrical Rigging in Under Eight Minutes
Think you know the mechanics behind theatrical rigging? When a performer is flying across the stage, Chicago Flyhouse makes it look like there is no effort involved. A few years ago, Chicago Revealed did a short feature on the behind-the-scenes work of how our customized solutions happen on a daily basis. Want to know more about our […]
Chi-Town Rising 2016: Making the Star
For years, New York City was home to the only New Year’s Eve event worth mentioning. To ring in 2016, Chi-Town Rising was born and Chicago Flyhouse was honored to be a part of the festivities. Chicago Flyhouse fabricated a custom hoist system to lift the countdown star up the side of the Hyatt Regency in downtown […]
Flying Through the Air
Ever wonder what it would be like to fly through the air? Aly, from “You, and Me This Morning,” stopped by Chicago Flyhouse a few years ago to test our performer flying hoist system (Ziplift).