Theatrical Rigging in Under Eight Minutes
Think you know the mechanics behind theatrical rigging? When a performer is flying across the stage, Chicago Flyhouse makes it look like there is no effort involved. A few years ago, Chicago Revealed did a short feature on the behind-the-scenes work of how our customized solutions happen on a daily basis. Want to know more about our […]
Chi-Town Rising 2016: Making the Star
For years, New York City was home to the only New Year’s Eve event worth mentioning. To ring in 2016, Chi-Town Rising was born and Chicago Flyhouse was honored to be a part of the festivities. Chicago Flyhouse fabricated a custom hoist system to lift the countdown star up the side of the Hyatt Regency in downtown […]
Flying Through the Air
Ever wonder what it would be like to fly through the air? Aly, from “You, and Me This Morning,” stopped by Chicago Flyhouse a few years ago to test our performer flying hoist system (Ziplift).